Friday, December 30, 2016

This downy woodpecker is one of our regular visitors.  To minimize competition at the feeder we are using a suet feeder that is oriented horizontally,  This position discourages visitors like the European starlings that can wipe out a feeder in a few hours.
Here is a wren that shows how awkward eating at one of these feeders can be for some birds.
Feeding is not a problem for the nuthatch either.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Fall is tied to memories of family traditions.  One of ours that has persisted through the years and generations is home made ravioli.  Hopefully digital images will evoke memories like old photo albums have in the past.  Not too many images but a few well chosen photos that bring us back to some of our most cherished moments.

 The great eclipse of 2024. Souderton, PA 4/8/2024